Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Twenty Years Later

Twenty years ago my dear friend entrusted me to make her themed wedding cake.  This darling friend is a sea shell fanatic and her cake consisted four giant sea shell shaped cakes, with a fountain tower in the middle.  A bride and groom stood proudly in a open sea shell at the very top.  Adorning this cake were oodles of flowers done in her coral colours.  I learned today that at her 20th Anniversary she unveiled a handful of flowers that she'd kept from her very memorable day.  Though the flowers are a little worse for wear, it's amazing when you consider that these delicate sugar creation are not meant to last!  Perhaps she's sprinkled a little magic on them...

Monday, June 25, 2012

Cake Stuff

Over the last 25 years I've amassed a huge collection of cake tools.  Today I am opening the box on a brand new Airbrush system.  I'm so excited!  Thank you Fernanda's in Mississauga for all your help today!

Saturday, June 23, 2012


I've a few surprise cakes on the horizon, but today's cake is especially sweet as it is a surprise wedding cake!  I've never in all my years done a surprise wedding cake before, but I suppose there is always a first.  This cake is a variation from my couture collection.  According to Philipino custom pearls are bad luck, so diamonds were used in their place...ahhh perhaps they are on to something?  The couture bow is my favourite part of this cake so I've included a peek at the process of how I made it.

Sunday, June 17, 2012

Confirmation Cake for Joshua

Yesterday saw me working into the wee hours of the morning.   My favourite feature of today's cake was a simple yet effective bow that had a a rosary laced within it.  Very pretty!

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

The History of Cake According to Janey

I thought long and hard about what I should write for my very first entry on this fabulous new site.  It hit me like block of butter that I should write a little about my sugar story as it has, so to speak, "baked" over the years.
My very first formal cake was for my mother's wedding.  I was 18 years old and the need to make something spectacular was an exciting challenge.  Little did I know then, literally I knew nothing about how to contruct a five tier wedding cake and yet I did.  Well truth be told it turned out to be only three tiers as two giant tiers lay in a helpless heap on my mother's dining room table.  I remember distinctly my new step father eagerly diggin' into the pile of broken cake and enjoying every morsle. 
After this I enrolled in every possible cake class I could get my hands on.  Back in the day 26 years ago, (don't do the math you're not suppose to know how old I am!) sugarcraft was not nearly the industry it is today. So I had limited options and yet Sugarcraft became my obessision! I volunteered to do any cake possible, the days of crumbled cake masterpieces on my dining room table were long behind me!
Since then cakes have come such a long long way. Gone are the days of buttercream wedding cake with layers of piping and rosettes.  Truth be known I never really like them anyways!  Birthday cakes are no longer generic piles of sugar we stick a candle in but instead a carved novelty of delight and inspiration.  Love it!
So my readers, join me on this sugar adventure and let's see where the next 25 years take us!

Sweetly yours,